* denotes corresponding author(s)
Peer-reviewed Journals Articles and Preprints:
- Z. Dong, Y. Ling*, Y. Li, and Y. Su, “Motion Hologram: Jointly optimized hologram generation and motion planning for photorealistic 3D displays via reinforcement learning,“ Science Advances (Accepted).
- J. Mao, H. Su, P. Xue, and Y. Ling*, “Monte Carlo-based realistic simulation of optical coherence tomography angiography,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 16, no. 1, 142-158 (2025). Editor’s Pick. [Codes]
- M. Wang, J. Mao, H. Su, Y. Ling*, C. Zhou*, and Y. Su, “Physics-guided deep learning-based real-time image reconstruction of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 15, no. 11, 6619-6637 (2024). [Codes]
- Q. Sun, Y. Tang, S. Wang, J. Chen, H. Xu* and Y. Ling*, “A Deep Learning-Based Melanocytic Nevi Classification Algorithm by Leveraging Physiologic-Inspired Knowledge and Channel Encoded Information,” in IEEE Access, vol. 12, 113072-113086 (2024).
- Y. Li, X. Huang, S. Liu, H. Liang, Y. Ling, and Y. Su, “Metasurfaces for near-eye display applications“, Opto-Electronic Science, vol. 2, no. 8, 230025 (2023).
- X. Li, Z. Dong, H. Liu, J. J. Kang-Mieler, Y. Ling, and Y. Gan, “Frequency-aware optical coherence tomography image super-resolution via conditional generative adversarial neural network“, Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 10, 5148–5161 (2023).
- J. Mao, Y. Ling*, P. Xue, and Y. Su, “Importance sampling-accelerated simulation of full-spectrum backscattered diffuse reflectance,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 9, 4644-4659 (2023). [Codes]
- Z. Dong, Y. Ling*, C. Xu, Y. Li, and Y. Su, “Gaze-contingent efficient hologram compression for foveated near-eye holographic displays,” Displays, vol. 79, 102464 (2023).
- Y. Ling*, Z. Dong, X. Li, Y. Gan, and Y. Su, “Deep learning empowered highly compressive SS-OCT via learnable spectral-spatial sub-sampling,” Optics Letters, vol. 48, no. 7, 1910-1913 (2023) Top downloads in Mar. & Apr. 2023.
- Z. Dong, C. Xu, Y. Ling*, Y. Li*, and Y. Su, “Fourier-inspired neural module for real-time and high-fidelity computer-generated holography,” Optics Letters, vol. 48, no. 3, 759-762 (2023). [Codes]
- M. Wang, Y. Ling*, Z. Dong, X. Yao, Y. Gan, C. Zhou*, and Y. Su, “GPU-accelerated iterative method for FD-OCT image reconstruction with image-level cross-domain regularizer,” Optics Express, vol. 31, no. 2, 1813-1831 (2023).
- Y. Li, S. Chen, H. Liang, X. Ren, L. Luo, Y. Ling, S. Liu, Y. Su, and S.-T. Wu, “Ultracompact multifunctional metalens visor for augmented reality displays,” PhotoniX, vol. 3, 29 (2022)
- J. Mao, Y. Ling*, P. Xue, and Y. Su, “Monte Carlo-based full-wavelength simulator of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 1, no. 12, 6317-6334 (2022).
- X. Li, S. Cao, H. Liu, X. Yao, B. C. Brott, S. H. Litovsky, X. Song, Y. Ling, and Y. Gan, “Multi-scale reconstruction of undersampled spectral-spatial OCT data for coronary imaging using deep learning,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 9, no. 12, 3667-3677 (2022).
- J. Li, P. Jin, J. Zhu, H. Zou, X. Xu, M. Tang, M. Zhou, Y. Gan, J. He*, Y. Ling*, and Y. Su, “Multi-scale GCN-assisted two-stage network for joint segmentation of retinal layers and disc in peripapillary OCT images,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 12, no. 4, 2204-2220 (2021). [Codes]
- H. Liu, S. Cao, Y. Ling, and Y. Gan, “Inpainting for Saturation Artifacts in Optical Coherence Tomography using Dictionary-based Sparse Representation,” IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 13, no. 2, 3900110 (2021).
- Y. Ling*, M. Wang, X. Yao, Y. Gan, L. Schmetterer, C. Zhou* and Y. Su. “Effect of spectral leakage on the image formation of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography,” Optics Letters, vol. 45, no. 22, 6394-6397 (2020).
- Y. Ling, M. Wang, Y. Gan, X. Yao, L. Schmetterer, C. Zhou and Y. Su. “Beyond Fourier transform: super-resolving optical coherence tomography,” arXiv:2001.03129v2 (2020).
- S. An, Q. Zhu, J. Li, Y. Ling, and Y. Su. “112-Gb/s SSB 16-QAM signal transmission over 120-km SMF with direct detection using a MIMO-ANN nonlinear equalizer,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 9, 12794-12805 (2019).
- Y. Ling, W. Meiniel, R. Singh-Moon, E. Angelini, J.-C. Olivo-Marin, C. P. Hendon. “Compressed sensing-enabled phase-sensitive swept-source optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 2, 855-871 (2019).
- X. Yao, Y. Gan, Y. Ling, C. C. Marboe, C. P. Hendon. “Multi-contrast Endomyocardial Imaging By Single-channel High Resolution Cross-polarization Optical Coherence Tomography,” Journal of Biophotonics, vol. 14, no. 4, e201700204 (2018).
- J. P. McLean, Y. Ling, C. P. Hendon. “Frequency-constrained robust principal component analysis: a sparse representation approach to segmentation of dynamic features in optical coherence tomography imaging,” Optics Express, vol. 25, no. 21, 25819-25830 (2017).
- Y. Ling, X. Yao, C. P. Hendon. “Highly phase-stable 200 kHz swept-source optical coherence tomography based on KTN electro-optic deflector,” Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 8, no. 8, 3687-3699 (2017).
- Y. Ling, Y. Gan, X. Yao, C. P. Hendon. “Phase noise analysis of swept-source optical coherence tomography system,” Optics Letters, vol. 42, no. 7, 1333-1336 (2017).
- Y. Ling, X. Yao, U. A. Gamm, E. Arteaga-Solis, C. W. Emala, M. A. Choma, C. P. Hendon. “Ex vivo visualization of human ciliated epithelium and quantitative analysis of induced flow dynamics by using optical coherence tomography,” Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, vol. 49, no. 3, 270-279 (2017). Editor’s Choice.
- Z. Gorocs, Y. Ling, M. D. Yu, D. Karahalios, K. Mogharabi, K. Lu, Q. Wei, A. Ozcan. “Giga-pixel fluorescent imaging over an ultra-large field-of-view using a flatbed scanner,” Lab on a Chip 13, 4460-4466 (2013).
- Z. He, Z. Ye, Q. Cui, J. Zhu, H. Gao, Y. Ling, H. Cui, J. Lu, X. Guo, Y. Su. “Reflection chromaticity of cholesteric liquid crystals with sandwiched periodical isotropic defect layers,” Optics Communications, vol. 284, no. 16-17, 4022-4027 (2011).
Conferences Proceedings and Presentations:
- X. Ji, J. Chen, Y. Ling, and Y. Su, “Developing High Confinement and Low-loss Silicon Nitride Photonic Devices for Optical Coherence Tomography,” in Novel Techniques in Microscopy(Optica Publishing Group, 2023), pp. NW4C–5.
- C. Xu, Z. Dong, S. Chen, Y. Li*, Y. Ling*, and Y. Su, “49.3: A Modified Unsupervised Vision Transformer Network for High-fidelity Computer-generated Holography,” in SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers (Wiley Online Library, 2023), Vol. 54, pp. 348–350.
- X. Wei, B. Jiang*, Y. Ling*, P. Jin, Y. Wang, X. Wang, C. Zhou, and Y. Gan, “Peripapillary atrophy segmentation in fundus images via multi-task learning,” in Medical Imaging 2023: Image Processing (SPIE, 2023), Vol. 12464, pp. 312–318.
- M. Wang, Z. Dong, Y. Ling*, and Y. Su, “Fast iterative method empowered by GPU acceleration for Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography image reconstruction,” in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXVII (SPIE, 2023), Vol. 12367, pp. 82–86.
- J. Mao, Y. Ling*, P. Xue, Y. Su, and H. Liu, “A Monte Carlo-based full-wavelength image simulator of Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography (Conference Presentation),” in Optical Interactions with Tissue and Cells XXXIV (SPIE, 2023), p. PC1237705.
- Z. Dong, C. Xu, Y. Tang, Y. Ling*, Y. Li, and Y. Su, “Vision transformer-based, high-fidelity, computer-generated holography,” in Advances in Display Technologies XIII (SPIE, 2023), Vol. 12443, pp. 47–53.
- Y. Tang, Y. Li, H. Liu, J. Li, P. Jin, Y. Gan, Y. Ling, Y. Su. “Multi-scale sparse representation-based shadow inpainting for retinal OCT images,” Proc. SPIE 12032 (SPIE Medical Imaging 2022: Image Processing), 1203204. Image Processing Student Paper Award (1st place)
- X. Li, S. Cao, X. Yao, B. Brott, S. Litovsky, Y. Ling, Y. Gan. “Multi-scale super-resolution for coronary OCT image,” in BMES 2021, accepted.
- M. Wang, Y. Ling*, S. Shao, Y. Su, “An iterative algorithm for artifacts removal in Fourier-domain optical coherence tomography,” in Proc. SPIE 11630 (Photonics West 2021), 1163026.
- J. Li, Y. Ling*, J. He*, P. Jin, J. Zhu, H. Zou, X. Xu, S. Shao, Y. Gan, Y. Su, “A GCN-Assisted Deep Learning Method for Peripapillary Retinal Layer Segmentation in OCT Images,” in Proc. SPIE 11630 (Photonics West 2021), 1163010.
- Y. Ling, M. Wang, Y. Gan, X. Yao, L. Schmetterer, C. Zhou, and Y. Su, “Modelling The Shift-Variance in Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” in Proc. SPIE 11630 (Photonics West 2021), 1163025.
- Y. Ling, M. Wang, Y. Gan, X. Yao, L. Schmetterer, C. Zhou, and Y. Su, “A Mixed-Signal Framework for Modelling Fourier-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” in ACP/IOPC 2020, Accepted.
- S. Cao, X. Yao, N. Koirala, B. Brott, S. Litovsky, Y. Ling, and Y. Gan, “Super-resolution technology to simultaneously improve optical & digital resolution of optical coherence tomography via deep learning,” in 2020 42th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2020), pp. 1879-1882.
- Q. Zhu, S. An, R. Cao, Y. Ling, and Y. Su. “Fast and Wide-Range Wavelength Locking Based on a Two-Layer Neural Network in a Silicon Microring Switch,” in Proc. OFC 2019, W1E.1.
- Y. Ling, J. P. McLean, C. P. Hendon. “Data Compression of Time-lapse Optical Coherence Tomography Images Based On Low-rank Plus Sparse Reconstruction,” in OSA Biophotonics Congress 2018, JW3A.35.
- J. P. McLean, Y. Ling, C. P. Hendon. “A temporal-frequency variant on robust-principle component analysis for segmentation of motile cilia in optical coherence tomography images (Oral Presentation),” in Proc. SPIE 10574, Medical Imaging 2018, 105741C.
- X. Yao, Y. Gan, Y. Ling, C. C. Marboe, C. P. Hendon. “Functional endomyocardial imaging by single-channel high resolution cross-polarization OCT (Oral Presentation),” in Proc. SPIE 10471 (Photonics West 2018), 104710K.
- Y. Ling, W. Meiniel, J.-C. Olivo-Marin, E. D. Angelini, C. P. Hendon, “Implementation and demonstration of compressed sensing enabled phase-resolved swept-source optical coherence tomography (Poster Presentation),” in Photonics West 2018, Paper 10483-90.
- Y. Ling, C. P. Hednon, “Investigating mechanically induced phase response of the tissue by using high-speed phase-resolved optical coherence tomography (Oral Presentation),” in Proc. SPIE 10067 (Photonics West 2017), 100670Q.
- Y. Ling, X. Yao, U. A. Gamm, E. Arteaga-Solis, C. W. Emala, M. A. Choma, C. P. Hendon. “Visualization of ex vivo human ciliated epithelium and induced flow using optical coherence tomography (Oral Presentation),” Proc. SPIE 10041 (Photonics West 2017), 1004106.
- Y. Ling, C. P. Hednon, “Ultrahigh phase-stable swept-source optical coherence tomography as a cardiac imaging platform (Oral Presentation),” in Proc. SPIE 9689 (Photonics West 2016), 968937.
- Z. Gorocs, Y. Ling, M. D. Yu, D. Karahalios, K. Mogharabi, K. Lu, Q. Wei, A. Ozcan. “Fluorescent imaging over an ultra-large field-of-view of 532 cm2 using a flatbed scanner,” in Proc. SPIE 8951 (Photonics West 2014), 89510D.
- Y. Ling, W. Gao, S. Ouyang, G. Liang, Y. Su, H.‐P. D Shieh, “71.3: Flat‐Panel‐Display System Based on Interference Modulation for Both Intensity and Color,” in SID 2011, 42: 1049-1051.
Invited talks:
- Y. Ling and Yikai Su, “High-speed swept-source optical coherence tomography empowered by compressed sensing for time-lapse phase-sensitive imaging,” SPIE/COS Photonics Asia 2021, Nantong, China
- 凌玉烨,“面向真实世界单幅图像超分辨的光学退化模型,”国际计算成像会议(CITA2021),中国杭州.
- Y. Ling, “Towards in situ OCT imaging of mucociliary clearance in human airway,” IEEE/ASM International Conferences on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics 2019, Hong Kong, China.
- C. P. Hendon, Y. Ling. “Compressed sensing enabled swept source optical coherence tomography apparatus, computer-accessible medium, system and method for use thereof,” US20190069849A1
- C. P. Hendon, X. Yao, Y. Ling. “High-sensitive swept-source optical coherence tomography system and methods of use thereof,” US20170356734A1
- A. Ozcan, Z. Gorocs, Y. Ling, M. D. Yu. “Fluorescent imaging using a flatbed scanner,” US9683938B2