Congratulations to Zhenxing on the acceptance of his first author manuscript: Motion Hologram: Jointly optimized hologram generation and motion planning…
Congratulations to Jianing on the publication of his first author manuscript: Monte Carlo-based realistic simulation of optical coherence tomography angiography…
Congratulations to Mengyuan on the publication of her first author manuscript: Physics-guided deep learning-based real-time image reconstruction of Fourier-domain optical…
Dr. Yuye Ling has been honored as one of the 25 recipients of the prestigious Optica Publishing Group Outstanding Reviewer…
Speaker Prof. Juergen Czarske, Dresden University of Technology Time 2024/06/24 1:30PM Location Room 1-418, SEIEE Building Host Dr. Yuye Ling,…
Congratulations to Jianing for winning this year’s Best Paper Award in conference Optical Interaction with Tissue and Cells XXXV at…
We are thrilled to announce that Zhenxing and Jidong’s submission has been accepted for oral presentation at IEEE VR 2024!…
Four graduate students (Mengyuan, Jianing, Zhenxing and Yufan) of our group won the student travel support from SPIE to attend…
Speaker 梁文轩,中国科学技术大学生物医学工程学院与物理学院双聘特任研究员,博士生导师, 入选中科院青年人才项目。本硕毕业于清华大学生物医学工程系,博士毕业于约翰斯霍普金斯大学生物医学工程系,入职中科大前在哥伦比亚大学祖克曼研究所(Zuckerman Institute)开展博士后研究。长期致力于面向活体组织的先进光学显微成像方法与仪器研究,在Light: Science & Applications、IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging、Nature Biomedical Engineering、ACS Photonics 等期刊上发表论文20余篇(其中一作/共一/通信8篇),谷歌学术h指数为16,并有3项发明专利已获授权。 Time 2023/08/16 10AM Location Room…